Special Events
We try to plan fun events for our customers to connect them with nature! Check back frequently to see what we have added!
If you have an idea for a special event you would like to see us host please reach out and let us know!
Thank you for joining us to bring people and nature together,
The Staff of Wild Birds Unlimited Avon
Using (Security) Cameras for Nature with Chris Pearce
March 22nd @ 2 pm
Find out how to get up close and personal with the nature in your yard. Chris is a Advanced Master Naturalist and a Member of the Boone County Bluebird Society and has successfully fledged bluebirds, tree swallows and chickadees in her nest boxes for several years. Come take a look what she's discovered and find out tips and tricks for bringing nature up close and personal in your habitat.
Gardening for Wildlife Workshop 2 pm April 12th
with Aaron Stump from the Indiana Wildlife Federation
The Gardening for Wildlife Workshop is a unique educational opportunity for individuals and families who are interested in protecting the natural beauty and local wildlife of Indiana. Program participants will learn about native plants and animals. explore the links between their communities and larger ecosystems, and discover how to create wildlife-friendly habitats.